How to compete with big companies and gain better ranking position on Google

How to compete with big companies and gain better ranking position on Google
Imagem de Diggity Marketing por Pixabay

Although large companies have already achieved SEO advantages that cannot be ignored, it is possible to compete with them and have a better position in Google. Know how!

Everyone is on the internet and companies need to be also to conquer their target audience. Today, the entrepreneur who doesn’t think about digital marketing is already behind his competitors.

And this “obligation” is not limited to large companies. Small business owners are already bringing their businesses to the internet, thinking more and more about SEO strategies to bring more hits to their company’s website.

But how to compete with big companies, which have much more budget to invest in digital marketing and better position on Google? Check out the tips of who is expert in the field!

Why improve your site’s ranking on Google?

The user, when searching for a product or service, rarely makes it past the second and third page of results on Google. There are several studies that prove this fact, mainly in Brazil.

So being in the top three pages of results when searching for your niche is essential to bringing more organic hits to your site.

And appearing on the first page of the ranking of the largest internet search engine requires investment (either time or money), in addition to providing competition with other companies in its field of activity.

But, how to compete with big companies and gain a better position on Google? To show that it’s possible, let’s take a real example.

See below the experience of Gluz Digital agency, specialist in SEO and digital marketing: Guilherme da Luz!

Competing with big companies and gaining better ranking position on Google is possible

Guilherme da Luz has over 10 years working with digital marketing and as an SEO specialist. In all his years of work, he has accumulated many experiences that reflect positively on all the work developed at his agency.

Gluz Digital has major brands as clients and has been developing a work that keeps the pages in the top positions of Google. Among the pages that the agency takes care of is Smartia Seguros.

This is an insurtech (insurance + technology) that connects consumers to leading brokers and insurers. And to attract and generate leads, the agency invests in key content marketing strategies.

Thus, the site offers everything that the user interested in hiring auto insurance, travel, health insurance and other types of insurance seek and need. That is, in addition to being able to make the quotation online, they have a blog that has detailed content and objectives, informing and assisting consumers.

With the work done by Gluz Digital, the company is competing directly with major insurers in search engines, such as Google. insurtech already has several contents with zero position (Featured Snippet) or first position in the largest search engine.

Here’s an example of strong keywords that compete directly with large insurers:

  • Smartia is zero position for the keyword ‘bike safe price’:

How to compete with big companies and gain better ranking position on Google

 (Price for motorcycle insurance, model, driver profile and price in Brazilian reais)

  • Smartia Insurance is in Google’s first position for the best auto insurers keyword:

How to compete with big companies and gain better ranking position on Google

(Search result for the best car insurers)

These are some examples that prove that yes, it is possible to compete with big companies and gain a better position on Google. But you need to invest in the right strategies to rank your website.

And to help you, here are some tips that work. Check out!

How can I improve my company’s website rank on Google?

There are a number of actions that can help improve your site’s rank positioning, bringing more hits and, consequently, customers. Meet some!

1. First, review the performance of your site

Before taking action to improve your position at Google, consider whether your site uses SEO techniques and how it’s performing overall. Identify elements that can impair the reach of the first positions of the search engine.

There are free monitoring tools that scan your site and identify errors. In addition, they suggest optimizations for your site.

2. Keyword search

For your site to have a good ranking position, the ideal is to work your content including keywords that have a high number of searches. To know the terms, there are several free tools (even from Google itself) that show the most searched keywords in each niche.

When placing your content on the site, the ideal is that the chosen keyword is in the title of your text. But this cannot exceed 68 characters for the Google system to make a better reading.

Also, keep in mind that too many keywords in the text is not healthy for your page’s success. Consider using variations of the main keyword, including them naturally in the text, without forcing them even in the subheading (H2).

In general, actions that give results include the use of the main keyword:

  • Title, H1 (title 1);
  • H2 (subtitles);
  • Meta descriptions;
  • Alt Text image;
  • Body of text or in page description.

If you use the WordPress platform, then you can invest in plugins that help you insert keywords such as Yoast SEO.

Also, whenever possible, prioritize the use of long-tail keywords. That is, terms composed of more than three words. These often generate qualified traffic to the page and still have less competition.

See an example below from the Gluz Digital customer for a long-tail keyword search. In search, Smartia Seguros is in the first position in Google:

Jeep Renegade insurance price

 (Search result for Jeep Renegade insurance price)

3. Optimize your site’s SEO

There are several actions to optimize SEO (Search Engine Optimization), the choice and insertion of keywords in the page content is one of them.

Using the proper URLs, ie your page address, can also help Google read your site better, helping with placement.

Backlinks, links from other sites that point to your site, can also be a tool to help rank Google. The more pages pointing to your site, the better its placement. A good example of a quality backlink is writing a guest post on other websites or blogs.

4. Campaigns on Google AdWords

AdWords campaigns are paid ads that will place you in the top spots on search pages, based on your chosen keywords. Google allows you to create different campaigns and ads, filtering by your target audience and helping you choose the best keywords according to your niche.

Many people believe that just running AdWords campaigns is enough to appear on the first pages of Google. But it is necessary that the site has an optimized SEO, and the paid ad campaign is the last step to achieve better positioning.

Below is an example of a Google AdWords campaign from one of Gluz agency’s clients to search for the term ‘auto insurance price’:

auto insurance price

(Search result for auto insurance price)

So, are you now convinced that it is possible to compete with big companies and gain better rank position on Google? Just be sure to invest in the right strategies for your business niche!

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