SEO copywriting: how to apply to your content strategy?

SEO copywriting: how to apply to your content strategy?
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SEO copywriting is the name given to the strategies used in order to optimize textual content, both for search engines and for the target audience that will consume it. Understand!

Applying SEO copywriting to your content

Before listing SEO copywriting strategies it is important to note that being an authority on the subject, popularity and external links to the page are the most relevant factors for Google when presenting results.

After all, the popularity of the page is directly related to the user’s experience with the content. Therefore, those who practice the copywriter profession need to prepare a strategic text, but one that is pleasant to read. 

From creative titles the correct structuring, know 8 fundamental strategies to apply SEO copywriting in the contents:

1. Website accessibility

Before textual techniques themselves, it must be stressed that the success of the content depends on access to the website.

Those who travel over the internet have no time to waste. Therefore, always check the speed at which the content takes to load, the stability of the page and the processing time with user interactions.

Also, ensure that the content is readable for as many devices as possible. 

Applying SEO copywriting to your content image from  Freepik

2. Attractive title

If readers choose a book by its cover, textual content is accessed by its title.

Thus, an SEO copywriting technique is to create creative and very striking titles. After all, a large portion of people read only the title of the content.

So, in addition to the question of using keywords, and the elements needed by search engines, the title is the reader’s first contact with their content.

In this sense, using numbers and lists or a title in question format has a greater effect in relation to users.

3. The content

There is no point in having an incredible title and sinning in the content strategy. In addition to presenting important and relevant information, the text needs to be optimized.

One of the copywriting tools is to include the correct and related keywords for your material and target audience. Google itself assists the content creator to find the keywords more consistent. 

And, as an SEO copywriting technique, give preference to the famous “ keyword long tail ”, which are words capable of attracting a more targeted audience and interested in its content.

4. Frequency of use of keywords

Anyone who thinks that filling a text with keywords will be the solution to increase access is wrong. Quite the contrary, inclusive.

With the refinement of algorithms, texts with unbridled keyword repetitions can be penalized. 

Thus, the repetition of the keyword must be proportional to the size of the text. That is, its density must be below 5% compared to the total number of words.

5. Backlinks

The more reliable the content, the greater your chances of being accessed. A website being considered a reference for a given subject is synonymous with growth in the organic marketing.

Therefore, within SEO copywriting strategies include links that target other internal or external – pages. 

It will be with the use of these links that the reader will be able to go deeper into the subject. And, even if it is not a rule, choose to use the links associated with the keywords of the targeted content.

In addition to improving the user experience, this strategy contributes to the site achieving better SERP positions.

6. Scans

Digital texts have their own language and structure. Many readers do not read the text completely, sentence by sentence, they just “ run their eyes ” across the screen.

Therefore, this way of scanning the text gives a reading pattern in the form of F. Therefore, the content is best received fragmented with paragraphs in short sentences, including a hierarchy with subtitles.

7. Call to Action

Content marketing aims to offer something to the user. So, always include a call to action. That is, what is expected of the visitor “ in exchange ” of the information passed on.

This copywriting SEO strategy is critical to enhancing access conversions. 

SEO copywriting: how to apply to your content strategy?
Freepik image of Freepik

8. Meta Description

Last but not least is the meta description. If the title is the first contact, it will be this description – that appears just below the blue clickable part in Google search results – that will make the searcher actually access this content.

It will be in this short text that you present what will be found on your page. 

Therefore, make a good description, including the keyword, preferably in the first sentence.

How we apply SEO copywriting as a content strategy

Google has some criteria for placing portals on the first pages. Some of them are:

  • Popularity \ relevance of the link to a specific page
  • Keywords found on the page
  • Domain authority
  • Registration and hosting data
  • Metrics on social networks
  • Anchor text of external links that are directed to your page

See how we can meet the requirements of the Google algorithm, according to its criteria for positioning content highlighted in SERP, with different customers:

1. Popularity \ relevance of the link to a specific page

Here you refer to the links on your page inserted on other sites. So the more referenced your portal is in others, the more valuable it will become for seekers.

Therefore, it can be ranked in the first positions. But for that, it is important to invest in link building strategies, especially with relevant partnerships. As a result, you will be able to generate links naturally to your page.

Below, according to the data presented by the Ahrefs tool, we managed to obtain 913 guest post partnerships for Smartia Seguros:

Popularity \ relevance of the link to a specific page
Imagem: Ahrefs

Note that this amount refers only to the last 2 years, considering 1 link per domain. Among them, portals with excellent metrics, such as G1, which has DR 91 and 346.2M traffic.

How we apply SEO copywriting as a content strategy
Imagem: Ahrefs

2. Keywords found on the page

Applying the main keyword in the title is an excellent SEO strategy. But, for a greater chance of ranking its content, it is important that it appears in the first 100 words as well.

In addition, insert the main keyword into certain subtitles and the body of the text, naturally, and without exaggeration. After all, using the keyword a lot will not help, on the contrary, it can harm your page. 

Below, the example of number of keywords ( 61,385 in the last 2 years ) that our team inserted in the portal of one of our customers,

Keywords found on the page
Imagem: Ahrefs

Note that by applying content marketing strategies, we were able to leave the page between the first and third positions on Google to have a lot of competition. In addition, it is important to know that we have been responsible for the portal’s content strategies since it was created in 2012.

3. Domain authority

DA, Domain Authority, is another metric evaluated by Google to rank the page, ranging from 1 to 100. Therefore, the higher the AD of your portal, the more authority it has, that is, it considers that the best content of the niche is there.

Our team is always attentive, carrying out analyzes and devising strategies to leave our customers’ portals with high AD. And for the construction of the quality of a given domain, we consider:

  • Create URLs with the main keyword in each content;
  • Focus on UX to increase the number of visits to the portal and without running the risk of increasing the rejection rate;
  • Number of internal and external links, considering the insertion in a natural way and relevant portals, for the case of external links;
  • Image optimization, as well as title and meta description;
  • Backlink strategies on portals with good metrics;
  • Denial of links, that is, we remove the direction to our customers’ page, eliminating non-relevant links;
  • Among others.

Each of these items is relevant to increase AD and is analyzed by search engines. 

Below, an example of a high DA from one of our customers’ portal, in which we apply content marketing strategies. 

Domain authority
Imagem: MOZ

4. Metrics on social networks

For Google, it is important to identify whether or not social media accounts are fake. Therefore, metrics are essential in this process, since it is possible to state that the brand exists and is relevant.

Among the analyzes carried out, the number of followers and the frequency of publications prove the relevance of the account. The more interactions, the better. 

Below, a Facebook account that our SEO copywriting strategies team took care of:

Metrics on social networks

In the image it is possible to identify a high number of followers and likes. In addition, the classification by users, which shows to be a relevant page. This data is important for Google, and other search engines, to rank your page in the top positions. 

So, be careful to create relevant content on social networks to gain more followers. Engage your audience, offer excellent experience of buying or purchasing services and focus on interaction to achieve better ranking.

Bet on content strategies for social networks so that your brand is found in search engines. See below how it will appear on Google. We use as an example the page of one of our customers, on social networks


5. Anchor text of external links that are directed to your page

For the Google algorithm, the backlink is also important for ranking strategies. But the anchor text is evaluated, and if there is an excessive gain of backlinks through the portal, the searcher understands it as spam.

Therefore, the website needs to gain backlinks naturally, without using the same anchor text or coming from just one domain. This sounds like artificial acquisition and search engines understand it as black hat, or spam off page.

But, using the strategy in a certain way, the brand name used as anchor text in the backlinks that point to your page, show a sign of strength. In addition to inserting it naturally, it is necessary to use the SEO copywriting content strategy correctly. That is, insert backlinks in content and on websites or blogs relevant to your audience.

Our team has partnerships with portals for periodicals. See how we use anchor texts in a variety of ways, so that our customers’ pages are not seen as spam:


Anchor text of external links that are directed to your page
Image: TribunaDeMinas

2nd example:

SEO copywriting
Imagem: TribunaDeMinas

The images above show 2 examples of anchor text, with backlinks that target the Wondershare client portal, but for different pages. 

In addition, both contents were published on the TribunaDeMinas portal, with different anchor texts and backlinks. So, Google doesn’t understand it as spam.

Important factors for applying the SEO copywriting strategy


  • Site speed;
  • SEO title, or title tag, and meta description optimization;
  • Page links;
  • Use CTAs, call to action;
  • Apply the scanability to the texts;
  • Do not write only for robots;
  • Use long-tail and synonymous keywords;
  • Insert sources to confirm your information;
  • Optimize the content with the right keywords, taking into account the frequency with which they are inserted, depending on the size of the text.

Extra copywriting tips

Following these 8 strategies, your text has a good chance of being a hit hit. 

But, to ensure good results, always update yourself on the requirements of the algorithm to optimize your text. Also check information to ensure that it is true and relevant.

Also, have objectivity and build content with a focus on your target audience. After all, it is the attention of these people that wants to reach and retain.

Ready to start? 

In addition, use SEO copywriting techniques smoothly so that they are not so abruptly perceived by readers. Like everything, the more you produce, the more your writing will be improved.

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