6 tips to increase visits to your site using always new content

6 tips to increase visits to your site using always new content
Image of Pexels by Pixabay

Check out tips to keep your website always up to date, with new content in a simple and easy way to be carried out and increase visits to your site!

One of the best digital marketing tactics to bring more visitors to a website is to generate relevant content and to achieve this goal is necessary investment in some areas.

We have been performing Digital Marketing and SEO work in our company for many years, and with the market experience we have achieved, it has become very clear that the biggest challenge for companies is to break the idea that quantity means the same as quality.

Keeping the site always up to date with relevant content can be challenging, but it is one of the tools that most guarantees results, says the founder of Gluz Digital and SEO specialist, Guilherme da Luz.

Here’s how to increase visits to your site using tactics that we already use in our company!

1- Use SEO techniques on your website

SEO practices are part of the lives of digital marketing and content marketing professionals. After all they help ensure positive results in search engines.

The first step to optimizing your website’s SEO is an analysis of the persona chosen by your business. This way you can create content relevant to this type of audience.

The second step is to search for the keywords that will be used in the texts inserted on the website, making a selection considering the number of searches of that term, in addition to verifying if it is relevant to the subject.

In addition, optimize the titles of texts, images, intertitles, descriptions and meta descriptions, among other elements to make up a more effective SEO. After all, this can bring good placement in search engines.

It is also important to work on links, both internal and external, to help people be directed to your website.

Like everything else on the internet, SEO also evolves rapidly, always undergoing changes. Therefore, always keep your content updated, constantly reviewing it to always be in accordance with the rules.

In our company, the team always invests in reviewing and optimizing the texts they include on the website. Thus, they can reach the top positions in search engines, with updated and relevant content for the target audience.

2- Keep information up to date

When created, it does not mean that the website is ready and will not need adjustments. When we finish a website, only its structure is ready, so that it always receives new content and information.

When entering the page and the user sees that the last content is from years ago this can give the impression that the company is not careful with the information shown on the website. In addition, it can also give the impression of lack of credibility, in addition to giving space for the user to believe that the company no longer works.

Basic information, such as address, telephone and product and service data, must be updated on the website in the event of any changes.

Other information shown about the company such as history, customer history, partners and testimonials must always be reviewed so that they do not become outdated or obsolete.

3- Be careful with the images displayed

Images are resources used to better pin information to readers’ minds. In addition to making the content flashier, needing to be in accordance with the context and present good quality, and be up to date.

If the website displays only texts, images must be inserted in so that the information becomes more attractive. If you’re in doubt about which image to use, take a test with a portion of your audience to make the right choice. In our company, several customers have collected positive results using this strategy.

In the existing content, analyze whether the images are up to date, in addition to checking if they are the best option for that content. If you notice that it is necessary to replace the existing images, replace them remembering to include a description in the images. This action makes the page easier to find.

4- Create text content

If your website has a news page or blog, use them often.

The text to which we refer are not the institutional texts of the company, or description of services and products. But yes the informative, educational content, news of launches and events that the company participates in.

For the content of your website to always be attractive, something new must be inserted. Make a blog to answer customer questions or news channel to publish company news.

5- Publish relevant and diverse content

Using visually rich and relevant content is a strategy to attract more and more people who belong to your target audience, resulting in increase visits to your site. Therefore, publishing various contents, which are not only composed of texts for the blog, such as podcasts, graphics, videos, infographics and e-books will attract more and more people.

Always offer something new, unique and relevant to your audience. After all, it is always possible to create creative content that is in accordance with your company’s strategies. So, you will see that the results of this strategy will be amazing.

For example, our content marketing customer At the beginning of the site, in 2017, the focus was only on news, short articles about the insurance market, a service that the website markets. 

In to make the content more up-to-date and different, we partnered with the company TEx Tecnologia, offering a system that calculates insurance quotes, showing data from several insurance companies.

Using this data as a basis, we produce various types of content for internal dissemination, on Smartia’s own website, and external dissemination, on partner websites. Thus, generating unique content, with useful, updated and real information. 

So, when users search for the price of insurance for motorcycles, for example, Smartia appears in Google results at position 0, or Featured Snippets, as you can see below:

6 tips to increase visits to your site using always new content

Smartia also follows in the top position of google searches, when users search for the price of insurance for the Ford Ka, which is one of the best-selling models in 2020. See below!

Publish relevant and diverse content

6- Review before publication

Even once published, your content may be appropriate when needed. Evergreen is an excellent investment, to be inspired by diverse topics, time-being and that are always being sought by the public, such as tips, tutorials and lists.

Use Microsoft Word to review content that has already been published, verifying that you can change or include information to make the text more informative and/or relevant.

Test all links that are in the text. This will avoid a bad user experience if the user is not directed to the desired page, leaving the website because it does not work properly.

Make revision and review the necessary adjustments, publish again and, if necessary, push on social networks or other communication channels.

Set up a calendar or make someone responsible for keeping your site up to date on content issues. Thus, the task is not forgotten or neglected.

So now just follow these tips to increase visits to your site!

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